Our Sponsors
The Camden Show wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, who help bring this iconic community event to life. Through their contributions, we are able to showcase the region’s agricultural heritage, deliver family fun, and create lasting memories. We are proud to partner with local businesses and organisations that share our commitment to community and tradition.

"Macarthur Vet Group has been supporting the Camden Show since 2017 as part of the animal education attractions. We understand the importance of supporting community events like the Camden Show so that it may continue to in turn support local businesses.
Macarthur Vet Group has been a recognised and trusted vet in the local region for over 30 years – the Camden Show provides an opportunity to engage face-to-face with people and continue to build our goodwill, which is critical for a business like ours.”
“Funnells Electrical has been part of the local community for over 50 years, and throughout this time, our relationship with the Camden Show Society has been invaluable in helping us grow alongside the community.
What began as a small country town has now evolved into a vibrant locality, and the Camden Show plays a key role in introducing newcomers to our area.
The event not only offers exposure to new customers but also reinforces our brand among long-term customers, ensuring that we remain a familiar and trusted name. The Camden Show provides an excellent platform for us to connect with both existing and new members of the community, and we are proud to support such an iconic event.”
The Camden Show is a fantastic opportunity to connect with the local community on a deeper level. It allows our business to showcase support for local events and interact with residents in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.
The Camden Show provides a valuable platform for networking with other businesses, community leaders, and potential clients.
By supporting the Camden Show for over 20 years, D&R Stockfeeds shows commitment to the local community and build positive relationships with residents and our clients . This goodwill has translated into increased customer loyalty and support for our business.. By supporting the Camden Show, D&R has reaped numerous benefits while making a valuable contribution to the local community.
Bega Cheese Limited | Bellingham Engineering Pty Ltd | Caldwell Martin Cox | Camden Car Wash & Expresso One Drive Thru Coffee | Camden Valley Farm | Camden Valley Inn | CJ Travel Services | CK Recruitment Pty Ltd | CPE Tree Services | Grech Farm Trading | Hennings Family | Horseland - Narellan | Hutcheon and Pearce - John Deere | Invictus X Pty Ltd | Macarthur Signs & Graphics Pty Ltd | Macquarie Grove Homes | Merino Brewery Pty Ltd | Nepean Engineering & Innovation | Office Builders | Orrcon Steel | Reln | Sada Group | Sadek Racing Giveaway | Sloanebuilt Trailers Pty Ltd |Southwell Lifts & Hoists l STM Trucks & Machinery | Studio 6 Photography | The Meat Man Wholesale Meats | The William Inglis Hotel | United Aero Helicopters | Vale Display Solutions Pty Ltd | Wards Accounting Group | Western Sydney International Airport | Wests Tigers
All Sports Research | AM Dairy Solutions | Beveridge Williams | Brownlow Hay | Camden Furniture One | Camden Golf Club | Camsons Pty Ltd | Cobbitty Village Markets | Eagles Automotive Centre | Ebeling Constructions | Gavana Dairy | Hayters Timber and Paving | Heffalump Dezign Art School | I & S McIntosh | Jamie & Sarah Inglis | L & M Hayter & Sons Pty Ltd | Sam & Tino Foti | Tuckshop
AV Tech Rentals | Belgenny Farm | Benwerrin Estates | Bonnett & Hanger Family | Bryces Transport | Cake Decorators Guild of NSW Inc Camden & Districts Branch | Camden Art Prize Committee Inc | Camden RSL Club | Cedar Creek Cider Pty Ltd | Choice Seedlings | Cobbitty Grove Kitchens NSW Pty Ltd | Country Living Clotheslines Pty Ltd | Dawbuts Pty Ltd | D & M Land Management | Dairy NSW Ltd | Derks Produce | Dr M & Mrs S Freelander | Equestrian Sports Promotions | EQ Saddlery Braemar | Expresscom Business Solutions | First Option Print & Signs | Grimes Finance and Mortgages | IJ Ag Services | Macarthur Tyre Service | Marsdens Law Group | OBrien Plumbing Sydney Central | Potted Green | Rolls Liner Suppliers | Royal Agricultural Society of NSW | Skin Tonics Beauty & Skin Clinic | Sprouts Catering | Supreme Linings (NSW) Pty Ltd | The Crown Hotel Motel | The Daley Quilters | The Separation Place | Three P's Picture Framing | Tildsleys Butchery | Vella Stock Feeds
ACT PA Hire | Ag Shows NSW - Pavilion | Alchin Family | A Anderson- Wendouree Simmental Stud - Beef Cattle | H Bates - Horses | S Bedford & L Hunt - Beef Cattle | S Bestulic - Poultry | Biffin Family - Produce Pavilion | Bill Ray Memorial | Black & Coloured Sheep Breeders Association of (NSW) Inc - Pavilion | R Brookes - Poultry | K Brown - Pavilion | Buckley Family - Dairy Cattle | Cake Decorating Solutions - Pavilion | Cake Decorators Guild of NSW Inc State Body - Pavilion | Cake Decorators Guild of NSW Inc Sydney Branch - Pavilion | Camden Country Quilters Guild - Pavilion | Camden Harness Club - Horses | Camden Poultry Club - Poultry | Channell Family | M Dounan - Pavilion | EH Downes - Horses | Drinnan Family - Horses | Embellished Cakes - Pavilion | M Ewing-Terry - Pavilion | Craig Ford & Lisa France | Frawley C & G - In Memory of Mary Frawley | D Funnell - Pavilion | J Graveur - Marie Graveur Memorial Prize | S Green - Poultry | L Hannaford - Pavilion | Howard & Robertson Families - In memory of Nan Howard | W Hughes - Pavilion | K Humphries - Horses | R & J Hunter | Mrs L Hutchinson - Dairy Cattle | Bill & Elizabeth Inglis - Produce | Ian Lane - Dogs | Jones Family | Lions Club of Camden | S Little - William Bill Memorial Classes | J Lummis | Laurie, Julie & Adelle Mackie - Beef Cattle | W Mar | Macarthur Beekeepers Assn Inc. | Melissa Bonnitcha - Pure Poultry Photography - Poultry | McIntosh Bros | Terrence Meehan - Mavis Hocking Memorial Prize | G Miller | I Moore | R.R.Moore - Poultry | Mulley Family | D Mulligan | NSW Palomino Association Inc - Horses | Palouse of Australia - Horses | Michael Peel - Poultry | Premier Genetics & Livestock Solutions Pty Ltd - Dairy Cattle | Neville Ray | RH Reeve | Robert & Eva Campbell of Looking Class Fashions | Rouland Family | Ruakura Pty Ltd | S & K Bell Constructions P/L | S & K Blades Amusements | Sandrone Family - In memory of Janice McCurrie | F Sharpe - Dairy Cattle | G Sharpe - Poultry | S Sharpe - Poultry | S.M.Sharpe | DR Sidman & Co Floor Coverings Camden - Pavilion | L Simone - Poultry | Skinners Refrigeration Service - Dairy Cattle | Shotgun Livestock - Beef Cattle | DW Southwell - Pavilion | Sydney Hereford Group - Beef Cattle | The Argyle Gourmet - Pavilion | The Finishing Touch Quilting Service - Pavilion | The Dahlia Society of NSW & ACT - Pavilion | The Fisher Family | The Rose Society of New South Wales Inc Macarthur Regional - Pavilion the | The Strictly Limited Company Pty Ltd - Pavilion | L Tildsley - Beef Cattle | K Trigg - Pavilion | J Trumble & Eagles Family | N Waldock | A Wear - Dairy Cattle-Poultry | M Wear - Horses | Ida Whiteman Family - Ida Whiteman Memorial Trophy | M Williams | P & L Williams | R Wilson | R Woods